Tender Mercy

My tender mercy blessings have been many recently, but I’d like to speak about the special mercy I received during General Conference.

Conference took on a totally different meaning for me. I was seeking comfort for the present and confidence in the future, and I received an outpouring of hope and healing that can’t be explained in words. As President Nelson blessed us all with his apostolic blessing I felt the Lords blessing as real as if I had touched his garment as the woman seeking healing in Mark Chapter 5…34 “And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.”

I know this blessing is meant for all His children, and I know this blessing has impacted us all, according to the Lord’s will, and is healing us of our own personal “plagues.” 

How blessed we are to have a living Prophet and the mighty healing power of the Priesthood. I don’t know of any greater tender mercies from our loving Lord.

by Jim Wells