Sharing the Gospel – July 31, 2022, Fifth Sunday

Wards and branches throughout the world are invited to dedicate the fifth-
Sunday meeting on July 31, 2022, to the topic of “Sharing the Gospel.” In harmony

with the prophetic direction given in the recent April general conference and the
scheduled worldwide broadcast for leaders on June 25, 2022, we invite bishoprics
and branch presidencies to focus the July 31st fifth-Sunday meeting on the following
two objectives:

  1. Help each young man prepare for and serve a full-time mission, and help each
    young woman who desires, to prepare for and serve a full-time mission.
  2. Help each member share the gospel of Jesus Christ in normal and natural ways
    by acting upon the principles of love, share, and invite.
    To help leaders prepare, an outline with videos and other resources can be
    accessed here and on