Seminary Graduation, Seniors Only – Updated
Highland Utah Central Stake Seminary Graduation will be on June 7, 2020. The processional ceremony will be held between 9:00 am and 11:00 am at the Stake Center. The Highland 28th Ward time is 10:45 am.
What Strange Times These Are
Brothers and Sisters, What strange times these are. Laura and I are reminded of the couple of times, for several weeks, we were both in lock-down on our missions. We were both out during the Gulf War. Laura was in the Philippines when Mt. Pinatubo erupted, and I was on the Caribbean island of Trinidad […]
Ward Family Home Evening Event

Please join us for a Highland 28th Ward Family Home Evening. Coordinated by the Bishopric and the Sunday School Organization. Everyone in the ward is invited to participate.
Baptism of Oaklee Durfey
Oaklee Jacqueline Durfey was Baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her Father Devan Durfey on May 16, 2020, at 1:00 pm in the pool of a relative. Please congratulate her if you get a chance. Congratulations Oaklee, it was wonderful to share this event with you […]
Graduating Senior Parade Friday, May 15th
The Highland 28th Ward and Strasburg Ward neighborhoods assembled a Senior Graduation Parade for the of the High School Graduating Seniors that reside in the neighborhoods from American Fork, Lone Peak, Skyridge, West Lake High Schools. Date: Friday, May 15, 2020Start Time: 6:30 pm The parade started from the parking lot of the Heritage Park […]
Baptism of Olivia Jean McDaniel
Olivia Jean McDaniel was Baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her Father Kenton McDaniel on May 2, 2020, at 2:00 pm in the pool at their family home. Congratulations Olivia, it was wonderful to share this event with you and your family. Bishop Anderson
Young Womanhood Recognition
Rebekah Peterson Has faithfully completed all the requirements necessary to receive the young Women Recognition. She honors her commitment to living the commandments and the standards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as stated in For the Strength of Youth. She has strengthened her faith in Jesus Christ and her testimony of […]
Sunday School – May 2020
Message from the Young Men
As most of you know, the church recently announced there will be no more camps, youth conferences, or treks for the remainder of this year. We will keep you updated on the direction we receive on when to resume YM activities. For the past few years, we have set up flags around the neighborhood […]