Special Leadership Broadcast – November 18th at 7:00 pm.
Dear Brethren: Elder D. Todd Christofferson and the Utah Area Presidency will hold a special leadership broadcast on Thursday, November 18, at 7:00 pm. We will be discussing the role of Area Presidencies and the Utah Area vision, goals and progress measures. The broadcast will also be available for later viewing for your convenience. We […]
Bishopric Message – November 2021
Daily Reading from Book of Mormon As a Bishopric, we felt it important to move forward challenging all the members of our ward to find time to be in the Book of Mormon each day. For some this might take the shape of hours of scripture study, others it might be listening to the Book […]
Sunday School Message – November 2021
Invitation from the Stake Relief Society
Dear Highland Central Stake Members, President Lyman asked that I share this invitation with you. Our emotional resilience has been challenged by the uncertainty of these times. As just another demonstration of the Lord’s omnipotence and concern, the Church has developed an educational resource to assist ALL members in developing tools to help us, by […]
Why I Believe – October 27th at 7:00 pm
The Utah Orem Mission On Sunday, October 24th at 7:00 PM MDT, the Road to Hope and Peace will be hosting their next “Why I Believe.” Tune in to hear from Jon and Michelle Schmidt from the “Piano Guys” as they explain how they’ve maintained faith through the storms of life. The event will be accessible […]
The UTAH OREM Mission
We would like to ask you to please pass the following information along to your wards via email, ward bulletin, social media and word of mouth. Thank you “You are part of the Utah Orem MISSION! The Lord has asked us to sweep the Earth with a flood, and that flood is social media! The […]
Baptism of Bram Alrek McClure
Bram Alrek McClure was Baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by his father, Seth McClure on Saturday, October 9, 2021, at 10:00 am in the Highland Utah Central Stake Center. Please congratulate him if you get a chance. Congratulations Bram, it was wonderful to share this event […]
Bishopric’s Message – October 2021
Dear Ward Family & Friends, What a wonderful General Conference. How comforting it is to listen to a Prophet’s voice as he challenged us to seek the guidance of the Spirit to receive answers to personal questions and feel support from him personally in our lives as we participate in this General Conference. Many are […]