Message from the Stake Presidency
Dear Brothers and Sisters, On August 12, 2021, the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released a message regarding the ongoing efforts around COVID-19 and its variants (please read the attachment). After counseling with the Bishops and Stake High Council, the following steps are being taken within our Stake boundaries: […]
Emotional Resilience Review – August 15, 2021
Sisters and Brothers, On August 15th at 7:00 am at the Stake Center Chapel, the Stake Presidency will be conducting a review of the Emotional Resilience offering being provided by the Church and how it will be organized at the Stake and Ward level. It’s expected to last an hour. The following are invited to […]
Stake General Priesthood Meeting – August 15, 2021
On August 15th, we will be conducting our Stake General Priesthood Meeting at the Alpine Tabernacle beginning at 4:00 pm. This meeting is for ALL Priesthood brethren, including Aaronic Priesthood holders. Please join all of the Highland Utah Central Stake Priesthood Brethren along with the Stake Presidency Sunday afternoon, Bishop Jeff Anderson Highland 28th Ward […]
Bishopric Message – August 2021
Dear friends and members: Only a few more weeks of this early schedule. September 5th, our ward will be moving to the middle schedule which will start either at 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, or 11:30. I know the suspense is driving you mad, but we will need to wait and see, a test of our patience. […]
Announcements – August 2021
Youth Conference Youth Conference is fast approaching. As a reminder, Youth Conference will be held on Friday, August 6th, and Sunday, August 8th. On Friday, the 6th, the event will be held at the Electric Park in between the Solution Reach and the Megaplex Theater buildings at Thanksgiving Point. The youth can start to arrive […]
Sunday School Message – August 2021
Message about Fast Sunday – August 2021
This Sunday the Aaronic Priesthood will be coming to your door on an errand for the Bishop, to deliver a message from the bishopric and collect fast offerings. Might I ask a favor of you! When they come to your door please help me out by doing three simple things: First, please express gratitude to […]