Our Full-Time Missionaries

Dear ward members, Here’s an update on the full-time missionaries, Elder Padgett from Florida, Elder Anderson from Colorado and Elder Cheek from Indiana. Our mission president, President Treadway is recommending that they give and receive service in the following ways: Zoom meeting with members In-person meetings outdoors (front porch, for example) with proper social distancing […]

Baptism of Cora Mae Duncan

Cara Mae Duncan was Baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her Father, James Duncan on Saturday, July 18, 2020, at 10:00 am in the Highland Utah Central Stake Center. Please congratulate her if you get a chance. Congratulations Cora, it was wonderful to share this event […]

Ward Walk-A-Bout – Rescheduled – July 19

Ward Walk-A-Bout: Sunday, July 19th at 7:30 pm.  We miss seeing and talking with everyone in our neighborhood.  We have planned this simple event for anyone that would like to be involved.  It is very simple.  Starting at 7:30 we invite all the members of the ward to come out of their homes and walk […]

Bishopric Message – July 2020

Attached is a wonderful message from our Sunday School Presidency.  Please take a moment to read it and share it with your family.  The Stake Bishop’s Council continues to review the Covid-19 statistics along with reports from the Area Presidency.  The stake will still hold off returning to church.  Thank you for your patience and understanding. I […]

Sunday School – July 2020

“I find that when I read the scriptures, I hear the Savior’s voice and listen to the Spirit. I read what the Savior has said about Himself and about us. Things like “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” And “Come, follow me.” And “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” Those simple statements of the Savior remind me of what I want to be, where I want to be, and who I want to follow.”

Sister Jean B. Bingham
Relief Society General President

Baptism of Coralie Cotton-Betteridge

Coralie Cotton-Betteridge was Baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her Father, Sam Cotton-Betteridge on Saturday, June 27, 2020, at 3:00 pm in the Highland Utah Central Stake Center. Please congratulate her if you get a chance. Congratulations Carolie, it was wonderful to share this event with […]

Ward Business

Dear Ward Members: I have a few items of ward business to take care of this week so I’m sending everyone a short note.  I sent out a Questionnaire a few weeks ago asking each family to report how they are feeling about returning to church considering their own family’s circumstances.  If you haven’t filled out […]

Difficult Times

Bishop Anderson asked us a month or 2 ago to share with the ward how we are doing during this difficult time.  I have not wanted to respond because it has been difficult.  I have had a hard time seeing through the anxiety, disruption, maybe even a little despair that I have seen in the […]

Father’s Day

June 21, 2020 I hope that everything is going well with the ward members. I miss you greatly. On this Father’s Day, I have been thinking about my father a lot this past week. What a wonderful father and example he has been to me and my family. I miss him, Let me share a […]