Returning to Church
The Stake Presidency and the Bishops met Sunday, June 7th in a Bishop’s Council to discuss when the Highland Utah Central Stake wards would resume Sunday church meetings. All the wards in the stake will NOT be starting ward meetings in the month of June and would prefer to wait until the church move to […]
Civic Responsibility – Register to Vote
I’m so grateful for this wonderful country and the freedoms that are ours because of the inspired documents the define our liberty and constrain the Republic. Utah is the perfect state to raise a family and I enjoy the beauty that surrounds us – the canvas in which God used to paint a masterpiece. I […]
Bishopric Message – June 2020
I have so many things to be grateful for during this time of social distancing. The time to spend with family and build a stronger relationship with our Father in Heaven. I love the area we live in and express gratitude for God’s beautiful creations. I have had some interviews with some hospitals out of […]
All Will Be Well
Bishop asked us to share a few thoughts on how we’ve been through this experience thus far. What a crazy and surreal ride! I wish I could say that all has been well, but I would be lying. For those of you who have struggled, I can say I understand! I have had a roller […]
Message to the Seminary Graduates
To you graduates: We are so proud of all of you for your efforts in accomplishing this wonderful achievement. The dedication and completion of 4 years of seminary attendance, reading through and the standard works, and being dedicated to your spiritual study while managing the stresses of your primary education. Now as you stand tall […]
President Nelson Shares Social Post about Racism and Calls for Respect for Human Dignity
He reminds of the Creator’s call for each of us to abandon attitudes of prejudice against any group or individual.
Resuming Sunday Church Meetings
Brothers and Sisters. The Stake Presidency and the Bishops met Sunday, May 24th in a Bishop’s Council to review the latest information and guidance from Church leaders, including Elder Heaton our Area Authority, as it pertains to resuming Church meetings. The following is what has decided. No meetings will resume prior to June 14th, with the […]
Highland Stake/Ward Food Drive
Tabitha’s Way Local Food Pantry, which serves the 10 cities of North Utah County, has been serving our area for four years. Normally, Tabitha’s Way serves about 3500 people a month (about half of whom are children and most of which are not members or are less active members of the Church).With increasing unemployment and […]
Seminary Graduation, Seniors Only – Updated
Highland Utah Central Stake Seminary Graduation will be on June 7, 2020. The processional ceremony will be held between 9:00 am and 11:00 am at the Stake Center. The Highland 28th Ward time is 10:45 am.