Bishopric Message – May 2020

Highland 28th Ward I have been struggling with what to write to the ward as part of our May message.  I started several notes but have not felt right about the topic of the message, some of these thoughts might be finished later.  My wife wanted to teach the lesson this week and she suggested […]

Message from the Young Men

As most of you know, the church recently announced there will be no more camps, youth conferences, or treks for the remainder of this year. We will keep you updated on the direction we receive on when to resume YM activities.    For the past few years, we have set up flags around the neighborhood […]

Tender Mercy

My tender mercy blessings have been many recently, but I’d like to speak about the special mercy I received during General Conference. Conference took on a totally different meaning for me. I was seeking comfort for the present and confidence in the future, and I received an outpouring of hope and healing that can’t be […]

In the Jeppson House – 2020

Here at the Jeppson’s house, we are getting used to this new routine just like you are!  I admit we may have a little more screen time these days, but we are also having more learning moments such as baking with the kids, creating art, deep cleaning, improving the house with painting, playing outside more, […]

Brother Ivan Day Passed Yesterday Afternoon

Dear members of the 28th ward.  I’m passing along a message from Brother Hendricks from The Strasburg Ward.  I have been asked to share this email with the Ward. Please respect the privacy of the Day family, and refrain from calls as they enjoy this precious time together.  As a ward, let’s keep Nancy and […]

Message to the Youth

During this time of uncertainty, I know you are struggling with understanding what is coming.  Your asking questions like: What is next in my life?  What is this summer going to be like?  What is school going to look like next year?  How long is this pandemic going to last?   Will things ever get […]

BYU Women’s Conference Digital Event Friday, May 1, 2020

Beginning at 10:00 a.m. MDT on May 1, 2020.
The Live Streaming sessions and the Sister-to-Sister session (pre-recorded) will be available on this page, on the church website, or on Facebook. There is no cost and no registration for this event.

Hear Him” in Your Heart and in Your Mind – Elder David A. Bednar

I find the word “Hear” fascinating. This word is used many times in the scriptures, and I do not believe it refers solely to physiological hearing with natural ears. Rather, it is hearing with the mind and hearing with the heart. How do I hear the voice of Jesus Christ, not necessarily by words or […]