Baptism of Castle Adams Garner

Castle Adams Garner was Baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by his father, Thayne Garner on Saturday, February 12, 2022, at 10:30 am in the Highland Utah Central Stake Center. Please congratulate him if you get a chance. Congratulations Castle, it was wonderful to share this event […]

Save the Date – Updated February 12th

Upcoming Schedule:  March 13: General Melchizedek Priesthood MeetingĀ  April 2-3: General ConferenceĀ  April 21: Ward Counsel with the Stake Presidency at 8:10 pmĀ  April 24: 28th Ward Conference –Ā Updated again & againĀ  May 21-22: Stake ConferenceĀ  May 22: Seminary RecognitionĀ  June 20: Young Women’s/Men’s Camp (Heber Valley Camp)Ā  July 8: Camp Liahona (All YM/YW turning […]

Coming back to Church

Dear Ward Family,  I’m writing you to discuss several housekeeping items for us as a Ward.  The Stake Presidency, through discussion with our Area Authority,ā€Æhas decided to lift all restrictions on Ward’s returning to the 2nd hour in person.ā€Æ This includes returning to normal administration of the Sacrament.ā€Æ  We will return to our in-person 2nd […]

Bishopric Message – February 2022

Dear Friends and Ward Family, There has been one overwhelming spiritual impression the Lord has blessed me with these last few years.  This impression has been difficult to explain or put into words.  It is easy to put a title on it, but not so easy to understand or truly comprehend unless you have experienced […]

5th Sunday Gospel Discussion

Dear Friends and Ward Family, Attached is the letter from the Area Presidency inviting us to organize and plan for the instruction to the ward for the upcoming 5th Sunday, January 30th.  Will you please take some time this week to review the information on the Utah Area Website – and prepare to discuss the following […]

Bishopric Message – January 2022

Dear Friends and Ward Family, Sacrament Meeting on December 26th was wonderful to hear which hymn is your favorite and why then to sing the song as a congregation.Ā  From the stand, we witnessed many tears as the spirit bore witness of the Love the Savior has for us.Ā  His love is all-encompassing.Ā  Because of […]