Dear Family and friends,
We have decided to fund another village well, here in Liberia in memory of my parents. Many of you have expressed wishes to support this cause and so we are sending the link to you. We are excited to be a part of this project again. We see so many of our sweet friends traveling such long distances for clean water and then carrying it back to their homes. Reusing it over and over and over again for different things from cooking, washing food, to cleaning dishes, bathing and laundry. Some villages using brown and dirty water from streams and rivers for their needs.
This organization drills many of the wells here in Liberia and we know them personally. Africa Heartwood Project has a local crew to do this work providing jobs for many Liberians. Thank you for your support!
Elder and Sister Barker

Our family is grateful for all expressions of sympathy for our parents, Leon and Dorothy Kennedy. In Lieu of flowers a fund has been established to drill a well for safe drinking water in a village in Liberia where their daughter Kim and her husband Steve Barker are currently serving a mission.
Online donations are being accepted at: