Ward Business

Dear Ward Members:

I have a few items of ward business to take care of this week so I’m sending everyone a short note. 

  • I sent out a Questionnaire a few weeks ago asking each family to report how they are feeling about returning to church considering their own family’s circumstances.  If you haven’t filled out the survey, please take a few minutes to complete it.  This information will be useful for my meeting with the Stake Presidency and the other Bishops on Sunday as we continue our discussion on the availability to return to church. 

The survey can be found on our Ward Blog:  28th Ward Questionnaire

  • Ward Walk-About: Sunday, June 28th at 7:30 pm.  We miss seeing and talking with everyone in our neighborhood.  We have planned this simple event for anyone that would like to be involved.  It is very simple.  Starting at 7:30 we invite all the members of the ward to come out of their homes and walk about the ward.  Those that are at a higher risk of Covid-19 and don’t feel comfortable mingling in this way can remain on their front porch and enjoy those that come walking about. We ask that social distancing be established by keeping your family at least 6 feet away from other families participating.  I know we will have the urge to greet in a physical way but we ask that you respect others and do your best to refrain.  
  • Utah State Developmental Center Assignment – Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the method of filling the assignment has been modified, and now entails 2 or 3 families from each ward participating in a drive-by parade on Wednesday, July 1.  If you are interested in being involved with this please contact Kiirsten Jeppson.  The autos may be decorated in accordance with our Independence Day patriotic theme. Including balloons, banners, etc.  Families would gather in their vehicles at the church parking lot and the DCW parking lot across from the church at 6:00 pm on July 1st. They will then be organized for the drive through the facility which is to begin at 6:30. It will not take a long time to drive once or twice through the campus. We would certainly expect that the participants would be done with the activity before 7:30 pm.
  • Seminary Registration for the fall of 2020.  We sent out individual emails to the parents that have children not registered for Seminary.  Please, at your convenience logon to the church seminary site to register your child. https://myseminary.churchofjesuschrist.org/  If your child is not going to attend Seminary in the fall please let a member of the bishopric know so we can note it in the system.

Thank you for all your prayers and support during this difficult time.  We miss you.